Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Importance of Good Lighting

I'm very specific about what times of day I will do shoots. Having two boys of my own, I know that they are not always the best for kid's schedules. I hate to incovenience anyone, but I also really want to give you the best pictures that I can, and lighting is such a big part of that. I wanted to show you how time of day can effect the results that you get. During the day the sun is directly overhead and this gives you very harsh shadows or "hot spots".

I took my boys to the Ramsey House today around 11:30. I had to bribe them and even then we were only there for about 10 mintues! You'll see in these pictures that they weren't amused and are WAY over me taking pics of them! :o) You'll notice in some of these pictures either harsh shadows, or very bright spots on them. If the picture was taken under a'll notice the dappled light.

From Ramsey House

From Ramsey House

From Ramsey House

Here I was able to find some shade alongside the house and in a corner of the house.

From Ramsey House

From Ramsey House

He's working hard for that candy bar! He came up with this one all by himself. There was nice shade on this side of the house. However, everywhere else was very harsh light.

From Ramsey House

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